Tuesday, February 10, 2009

January 2009

We got baby chicks! 3 Barred Rocks and 2 Buff Orpingtons. They are straight run so a 10% to 20% chance they are roos.

In the brooder. They have grown so much in one week that we have all ready had to move them to a bigger brooder!

We made laundry detergent. For about $3.50 we made enought to fill 2 170 ounce containers and one 80 oz container!! It smells good too.

Marah upgraded from a swim diaper to a swim suit. She spent about 4 hours in it the day we bought it.

The climbing has begun. Nothing is safe!

We made a spider web. We all laid on the floor to look up at it and all the spiders we created.

Madeline made a teddy bear for Marah. This was her practice on some flannel. Her next one will be made with actual fake fur. She has pink, purple, and dark brown teddy bear fur to choose from.

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