Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Projects, Maddy shots, and Falling

So its not the end of Febuary and these are the last of the pictures I have to get on here. :)

Madeline loves to take pictures and here are some Maddy shots from this month:

This is our wall and I think that is hair.

This would be a sideways Marah

Maddy's eye

Okay back to Mommy shots here.
Marah did a project. It involved lots of glue. She is so proud of her work I had to take her picture!
It also involved her sisters head. A little in her ear... A little on the top...
Some on the forehead. Nomy thought it was great fun.
I have not taken any pictures in the last 2 weeks or so. It has been pretty hectic. Joe hurt himself while hiking with clients. He fell down 10 feet or so of hill and then off a 15 foot cliff. He broke his nose, sprained his ankle, got a concussion, and had a lot of cuts and bruises. He landed 3 feet from the lake and was hypothermic (or close to it, not remembering now) when rescue got to him. That was 2 weeks ago and yesterday he had surgery to fix his nose so he is in a lot of pain and enjoying some percocet. :) I thank God he is still here. A few more feet and he would have been in the lake. Even the firemen, paramedics, and doctors are surprised he is not hurt more. It has been a crazy few weeks and I am ready for it to be over. :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Bread, Drawers, and Storage!!!

A rare moment when Michael asked me to take his picture!

Nomy loves to empty out the drawers and climb in them.

A new sandwich bread recipe. I really like it!

We bought a new van and I had to take a picture of the back after a Costco trip. We do one trip per month to Costco and buy a lot to freeze and store. Normally the back would be full, the front full, the sides full, and things in between the kids seats. Everything fit in the back nicely!

I have yet to take a picture of the actual van its a 2008 Town and Country.

Michael Counts to 1,000

Last night Michael announced he was going to count to 1,000. He started with spinning in the dining room and slowly moved around the house and he did make it to 1,000. Notice in each video he is in a different location and moving around as he counts. I am so glad he is able to learn in his own way and not have to sit still in a classroom. :)

The quality of the videos is messed up. I think someone around the age of 8 played with the settings when they took pictures earlier in the day. :)

You can hear him in this one saying he is going to count to 1,000,000 next. He started today while we were at Costco. lol Currently he is at 1,129 and asked me to remember that so he can start again later. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

January 2009

We got baby chicks! 3 Barred Rocks and 2 Buff Orpingtons. They are straight run so a 10% to 20% chance they are roos.

In the brooder. They have grown so much in one week that we have all ready had to move them to a bigger brooder!

We made laundry detergent. For about $3.50 we made enought to fill 2 170 ounce containers and one 80 oz container!! It smells good too.

Marah upgraded from a swim diaper to a swim suit. She spent about 4 hours in it the day we bought it.

The climbing has begun. Nothing is safe!

We made a spider web. We all laid on the floor to look up at it and all the spiders we created.

Madeline made a teddy bear for Marah. This was her practice on some flannel. Her next one will be made with actual fake fur. She has pink, purple, and dark brown teddy bear fur to choose from.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2008 Photo Shoot with Amy

I may have posted this before but I can't remember so here are some of my favorite photos from our 2008 shoot we had with Amy in July. I know I have said it before but Amy Crawford Photography is awesome and I would recommend her over and over.

Monday, February 2, 2009

December 2008 Catch Up

December 2008 Catch up. Lots of photos with birthdays and holidays.

Our attempt at a family Christmas photo.

Madeline's birthday was snowy!
Opening presents

A pink Ipod!!

She was kind of bummed when she woke up to snow as she had hoped for a sunny birthday. We found her a sunny cake instead.

I had to take these pictures of Joe as he got ready for work one very cold morning. The socks are his, the leg warmers are Michael's. LOL

Clearing off the car and driveway
A Nomy proofed Christmas tree.

A huge puddle formed in one section of the chicken run and we did not know. We found out when it froze and that section of roof started bowing in.

A winter wonderland

Such a thick layer of ice and you can see the different freezes in there

We made a snowman

I love this picture of Maddy!
Nomy was cozy warm as I helped roll the snow man.

Frosty the Jedi Knight!
As close to a picture of Michael as I got. Look how red his hands are!!!

Opening their one present on Christmas Eve. They open the rest in the morning.
We gave Marah some books.
The girls gave Michael some Lego's.
Michael and Marah gave Maddy these shoes she has been wanting for over a year.
Nomy got a shoe box.

Christmas morning. Marah is old enought now to really get excited about Christmas.
We found Marah a vintage Fisher-Price barn and silo on Craigslist.
A brick set for Michael. I think it was 600 ir so all different sized bricks.

A doll for Maddy.

Later that day Michael took a bunch of pictures. Madeline was not enjoying her little brother right then. She got this robe for Christmas.
All right. Its Febuary 2nd and I am finally caught up with 2008's photos. Now to do January 09 and I will really be caught up. LOL