Thursday, September 17, 2009

August Update

Not so much to post this month. Majority of the month was taken up by illness and the Skamania County Fair which I posted about earlier. Lots of photos taken by the kids in this one.

We made pasta sauce with our garden tomatoes!
One morning bright and early, or should I say dark and early, someone woke up and decided to take self portraits, hundred of self portraits. Also photos of chairs and carpet fuzz. Here are a few of the ones I kept.
I did a trade with a mama friend of mine. A sewing machine that was not working out for Madeline for some knitting. The yarn was supposed to be longies but it did not want to be longies. I don't knit so I can't really tell you how yarn can do this but L tells me it happens. The yarn decided it wanted to be a dress. The most beautiful little dress that will double as a shirt when it gets too short. We love it!!

I could just eat her up.
Joe went on a Daddy play date. They took the max to the zoo with some friends. I stayed home with a napping baby and sewed. It was wonderful! They had fun too.

That's it, I will try and take some more photos this month! See you then. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Skamania County Fair

Last month Madeline participated in the Skamania County Fair with her 4H group. They camped for 5 days. It was originally supposed to be Joe and the two older kids but stomach flu hit the first night and Michael came home so Joe took Marah. Once Michael was better we traded again and then me and the little girls at home got sick. Oh it was an interesting week.

Chickens had to have a bath. I guess it strips their feathers and then stimulates them to produce oil which will make them nice and shiny for the fair. They were not enjoying themselves.
"What are you guys doing?"
We had to be careful not to get the water in their faces so only dunked and swished from the neck down.
A soppy wet Goldie. She was not happy and proceeded to dust bathe after an hour long grooming session to get all her feathers back in place.
"Poor chickens"
The carnival at the fair.

Kids had a blast on the rides.
Michael did NOT enjoy the zipper.
Best slide ever
Madeline's show chicken Little Bo Peep.
One of her other chickens won Reserve Champion
Another won Champion.
All dressed up for showing her chicken
All lined up for the judges.
Blue ribbon
On the last day Michael was stepped on by a cow. He is fine and I thank God. 1200 lb cow plus Michael's foot could have been a lot worse than the bruise he recieved.
Maddy and one of her 4H buddies.

And I will leave you with this. There was a playground at the park and this tree was in the center. Do you see it? Very fitting as I sat and nursed Naomi right here.

A Great Giveaway

A great giveaway over at Hip Mountain Mama of natural art supplies. Click on the photo to go to the actual giveaway.